jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Sensación de Verano

Me parece que esta va a ser la última entrada hasta la vuelta de vacaciones (aunque nunca se sabe tratándose de mi), con Jonathan Richman me iré a buscar el sentimiento veraniego que no sé exactamente si he perdido, creo que con la edad todo va cambiando, es casi inevitable; sin embargo, en la adolescencia casi todo está por ver, lo que no he perdido es la emoción que siento cada vez que escucho cantar a este hombre, recuerdo perfectamente el disgusto que pillé cuando vino a cantar a Valencia  a mediados de los años ochenta -creo que era en la desaparecida Pachá- y no pude asistir.  Pero vamos, que  no estoy nostálgico, que yo estoy muy bien como estoy, no volvería hacia atrás de ningún modo, aunque tampoco estaría mal recuperar estas sensaciones perdidas, un solo día parece poco, pero si no hay más remedio... Espero que os guste: "That summer feeling" por Jonathan Richman no en la versión de los ochenta con The Modern Lovers sino en la del disco I, Jonathan (1992).

That summer feeling That summer feeling
That summer feeling
When there's things to do not because you gotta
When you run for love not because you oughtta
When you trust your friends with no reason not ta (nada)
The joy I name shall not be tamed
And that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
When the cool of the pond makes you drop down on it
When the smell of the lawn makes you flop down on it
When the teenage car gots the cop down on it
The time is here for one more year
And that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
That summer feeling That summer feeling
That summer feeling
If you've forgotten what I'm naming
You're gonna long to reclaim it one day
Because that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
And if you wait until your older
A sad resentment will smoulder one day
And Then that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
And that summer feeling's gonna taunt you
And then that summer feeling is gonna hurt you
One day in your life.
When even fourth grade starts looking good
Which you hated,
And first grade's looking good too,
And you boys long for some little girl
That you dated
Do you long for her of for the way you were,
That summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
When the Oldsmobile has got the top down on it
When the catamaran has got the drop down on it
When the flat of the land has got the crop down on it
Some things were good before and some things never were
But that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
Well when your friends are in town and they've got time for you
When you were never hanging around and they don't ignore you
When you say what you will and they still adore you
Is that not appealing, it's that summer feeling.
That summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
It's gonna haunt you
It's gonna taunt you
You're gonna want this feeling inside one more time.
It's gonna haunt you
It's gonna taunt you
You're gonna want this feeling inside one more time.
One more thing...
When you're hanging around the park with the water fountain
And there's the little girl with the dirty ankles cuz she's
On the swings, you know, and all the dust is kicking up
And you remember the ankle locking
And the way she flirted with you
For all this time, how come?
Well that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
You'll throw away everything for it.
You'll throw away everything for it.
One more thing...
Well when the playground that just was all dirt
Comes haunting.
And that little girl that called you a flirt
Memory comes taunting
You pick these things apart they're not that appealing
You put them together and you'll get this certain feeling
And that summer feeling is gonna haunt you
One day in your life.
It's gonna haunt you
It's gonna taunt you
You're gonna want this feeling inside
One more time.

Y si tenéis más ganas de Jonathan Richman y de verano podéis escuchar "Summer Morning". Nos vemos en septiembre.

4 comentarios:

  1. ¡Qué grande Jonathan Richman! Yo lo ví en Castellón hace tres o cuatro años. Iba él con su grupo, formado por un único miembro que toca la batería y entre los dos se marcaron un pedazo de concierto. Es impresionante el carisma que tiene sobre el escenario.

    ¡Felices vacaciones!

  2. Pues igual es una verguenza, pero no había oido ni hablar de este señor, cosa que me ha preocupado mucho hasta que la wikipedia me ha explicado que fundó una banda "proto-punk", con lo cual me siento eximido. No está mal este Donovan (:-)), también algo ingenuo... seguro que te pilló en postrimerías de la adolescencia... ´(:-))

    Buenas vacaciones y gracias por tus posts, siempre con tan buen rollo.

  3. Me encantó escucharlo. Me gusta ver o escuchar algo agradable antes de irme a dormir ( ahora son las 23 hs. en Argentina)...así que gracias
